Smart Torque Wrenches

ExcelWraps have two digital solutions enhance the structural integrity of critical bolted joints. BoltExpert is a digital aid to help you understand and develop a bolt tightening procedures.  Workflow Wraps captures work records and includes API connection to digital torque wrenches to both set a tightening procedure and captures tightening records. It is worth noting that API connectors can be used for other digital instruments like Digital Callipers, Digital Mustimeter's (DMM), Digital Thermometers, Digital Micrometers, Digital Scales, Laser Distance Measurers, Digital Levels, Digital Tachometers, Digital Thickness Gauges and Digital Sound Level Meters.

Digital torque wrenches typically offer various modes of operation and here follows an explanation of how ExcelWraps uses them to enhance the structural integrity of bolted joints:

      1. Peak Torque Mode:
        • Function: Captures and displays the peak torque value reached during the tightening process.
        • Use Case: Ideal for applications where it's important to know the maximum torque applied to a fastener. This is the most common method used in the railway industry.
        • ExcelWraps: BoltExpert will calculate a suitable tightening torque for any bolted joint. The tightening torque can be sent directly to the digital wrench via the API connector by the Workflow Wrap.
        • Preload Accuracy: In a typical batch of unlubricated bolts the lowest preload obtained is 48.1% of the highest obtained. This can be increased to 60% if friction conditions are better controlled by lubrication of the rotating parts of the joint.
      2. Angle Mode:
        • Function: Measures the angle of rotation applied to the fastener after application of relatively low snug torque level to bring contact surfaces together.
        • Use Case: Widely varying joint friction values makes torque tightening unprecise. The angle of rotation method give more control and less spreads in the preload values obtained in the joint.
        • ExcelWraps: BoltExpert will calculate a suitable snug torque and a tightening angle for any bolted joint. This can be sent directly to the digital wrench via the API connector by the Workflow Wrap.
        • Preload Accuracy: In a typical batch of bolts the lowest preload obtained is 73.9% of the highest obtained.
      3. Yield Mode:
        • Function: Monitors torque and angle simultaneously to ensure that a fastener reaches a specified yield point.
        • Use Case: Particularly important in applications where achieving a specific yield point is critical for the performance of the assembly.
        • ExcelWraps:  The yield mode instruction is sent directly to the digital wrench via the API connector by the Workflow Wrap.
        • Preload Accuracy: In a typical batch of bolts the lowest preload obtained is 85.2% of the highest obtained.
      4. Re-tighten Mode:
        • Function: Allows for re-tightening a fastener to a specified torque value after the initial tightening process.
        • Use Case: Useful in situations where a two-step torque process is required, such as mixed material joints or joints with gaskets.
        • ExcelWraps: BoltExpert will calculate a suitable tightening torque embedding losses for any bolted joint. Instructions for retightening after a prescribed time can be set using a timer in the workflow wrap.
        • Preload Accuracy: Embedding losses can be recovered by retightening after a settlement period.
      5. Audit Mode (Detailed Tightening Records):
        • Function: Records and stores torque/angle/yield values along with associated time and date stamps for traceability and quality control purposes.
        • Use Case: Useful in applications where a detailed history of torque applications is required for auditing or quality assurance. Provides a detailed history of torque applications for each fastener, allowing for traceability and quality assurance. This is especially crucial in industries with strict compliance and regulatory requirements. The ability to review historical data helps identify trends, patterns, or deviations in torque values, allowing for continuous improvement in the assembly process. If problems arise, the detailed audit trail can be used to analyse the entire torque application process, helping to pinpoint the source of errors or defects.
        • ExcelWraps:  All work records are captured in workflow wraps which retain records of the work done, measurements taken and procedures followed. They also capture the operators digital signatures and competence checking. The API connector to the digital torque wrench allow extraction of the audit information so that all work records relating to a work procedure are collating information in one master database.

ExcelWraps BoltExpert records and Wrap workflow records bring some key advantages to joint assembly:

  • Comprehensive Documentation: All-encompassing records of the entire work procedure, including bolt tightening, measurements other operations. Comprehensive documentation aids in traceability, quality control, and compliance. It provides a holistic view of the assembly process, which is crucial for auditing and certification purposes.
  • Efficient Quality Control: Auditing information associated with bolt tightening, measurements and other operations. Enables efficient quality control by having detailed records for each step of the work procedure. This ensures that every aspect of the assembly process meets specified standards and requirements.
  • Process Optimization: Real-time transmission of tightening method from the wrap to the smart wrench. You cannot apply the wrong tightening procedure for this workflow! Allows for immediate adjustments and optimization of the tightening process based on captured auditing data. This contributes to consistent and accurate torque application, reducing the likelihood of errors or defects.
  • Traceability and Accountability: Linking auditing information to a specific work procedure and the digital signature of the operative tightening the joint with links back to his competence records. Enhances traceability and accountability by associating each tightening measurement with its corresponding work procedure. This linkage makes it easier to identify and rectify issues, track performance, and attribute results to specific processes.
  • Data Analysis for Continuous Improvement: Data collected from both tightening methods and auditing information. Facilitates data analysis for continuous improvement. By analysing the collected data, organizations can identify trends, patterns, or areas for enhancement in the assembly process, ultimately optimizing efficiency and product quality.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Detailed records supporting compliance with industry regulations. Many industries have strict regulatory requirements for product assembly and quality control. By associating auditing information with work procedures, organizations can easily demonstrate compliance during audits or inspections.
  • Risk Mitigation: Comprehensive documentation helps mitigate the risk of errors or defects. By capturing both tightening methods and auditing information, organizations can proactively identify and address potential issues, reducing the risk of product failures, recalls, or safety issues.
  • Enhanced Communication and Collaboration: Seamless communication between the digital workflow system and smart wrench. Enhances collaboration and communication among team members. The digital integration ensures that the smart wrench receives accurate and up-to-date information, promoting consistency in the execution of work procedures.

In summary, integrating digital workflow solutions with smart wrenches and capturing auditing information associated with work procedures enhances documentation, quality control, traceability, and overall efficiency in the assembly process. It contributes to a more transparent, accountable, and optimized workflow, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving overall product quality.